We hosted our #DisneySide Celebration on Saturday, February 22, and had over 60 people attend! The celebration was in honor of my daughter’s 6th Birthday, but we made it more than just a Birthday Party…
In lieu of Birthday gifts, we asked for optional, small toy or necessity donations which the Missions Team of Linworth Baptist Church will hand out to less fortunate children of Honduras. Our party guests brought new shoes, small toy balls, coloring books with crayons, small kids meal toys, books, hair clips and so much more! We were able to fill an entire storage bin of donated items!
Many bags (in the bins) full of donations for Honduras!
Our guests were asked to dress up as their favorite Disney character or wear a favorite Disney shirt. We had children come dressed as Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine, Snow White, Tinker Bell, Jessie, Captain Hook, Mater, Rapunzel and even some non-Disney Characters (LOL! But that’s okay.) Adults played along and came wearing t-shirts sporting Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse, Dusty Crophopper and others.
Captain Hook!
Snow White (and Belle in the background)
Entertainment for the kids included a bouncy house, Coloring Contest, Disney-themed Ring Toss, Pin the Nose on Olaf, a Tattoo Parlor (temporary Disney-themed tattoos, of course) and Ring Around the Nosey (a Dumbo-inspired game). All the while, we had Disney Remix Mania music playing, and balloons everywhere for the kids to play with. If a child won a game, they’d receive a Disney Dollar! (Thanks to Rachel from Family Ever After for giving us permission to re-print and use her free Disney Dollar printables for our party! We printed them on construction paper for a colorful variety of ‘dollars.’) Kids could visit the Prize Table and buy prizes with their dollars!
Bouncy House!
Playing Ring Toss
Character-Inspired ‘Bottles’ for the Ring Toss Game
Prizes kids could purchase with their Disney dollars.
To keep the adults around and entertained, we held a Raffle just for them! Twenty prizes were awarded to our adult guests, and they seemed pleased with the idea as many received a return on their investment of time spent at the party. Prizes awarded were “So This is Love” prints (8 winners), HP Photo Card Kits (5 winners), Mickey & Minnie Gift Baskets provided by Little VIP Bandz (2 winners), a Frozen-themed Soy Candle provided by Walter & Rosie, the PassPorter’s WDW Guidebook and Disney Cruise Line book, an autographed copy of Where Hope Starts provided by author Angela D. Meyer, Disney-themed Kitchen accessories provided by yours truly – WDW Hints, and the most coveted prize of all… a $100 Gift Certificate good towards any Disney Vacation – generously provided by Mickey Adventures!
Raffle Table
Gift Certificate provide by Mickey Adventures
and the Soy Candle provided by Walter&Rosie
“So This is Love” Print
Mickey & Minnie gift baskets provided by Little VIP Bandz!
All in all, our party was a fun success! The kids were happy, the adults were excited about the Raffle, and best of all – many children in Honduras will receive new shoes, toys or books thanks to the generosity of our guests! And that’s what we call “Showing Your Disney Side.”
Pre-Party Set-up
Party Fun
Editor’s Note: We received free party products from Disney Parks and MomSelect in order to throw a #DisneySide Celebration. (Products received were enough for 10 guests, but we chose to super-size our celebration and hosted 60+ people.) All opinions expressed are solely our own. Affiliate links may be provided but are done of our own volition.
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