'; Will You WIN this $50 Disney Gift Card? - WDW Hints
Monday 27 January 2025
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Will You WIN this $50 Disney Gift Card?

Our Summer of Giveaways continues with a $50 Disney Gift Card being given away this week by Sherry Magness – a Disney Vacation Specialist with Mickey’s Travels. 

Sherry lives just north of Cincinnati with her husband and two teenage children. She enjoys planning Disney Vacations for others and doing all the work – allowing you to do all the relaxing! She has been with Mickey’s Travels for 2+ years. Be sure to visit her facebook page and say Hello!

A few of Sherry’s Disney favorites include:

  • Resorts:
    • Coronado Springs: Great Food Court, Bus service, Pools 
    • Yacht Club: Close proximity to Epcot and the Boardwalk, pool, and restaurants
  • Attractions: Toy Story Mania, Philharmagic, Finding Nemo the Musical 
  • Show: Fantasmic!
  • Restaurants (and dish): 
    • Columbia Harbour House – Lobster Roll
    • Le Cellier – Mushroom Fillet Mignon
    • Teppan Edo – family fun, good food.
  • Snack: All of them! Frozen Chocolate Covered Bananas are a must have.

Hints Sherry likes to share with others:

  • Get to the parks early! Leave the parks in early afternoon (get out of the heat), then return after dinner. Rest and relax during the heat of the day. Go with a plan, take a break, and you won’t be one of those grumpy, too hot, exhausted families. 
  • Don’t try to do everything! Choose what is most important and anything else is a bonus. There are so many things to see and do, you can’t do it all in one short vacation. If possible, make it a 5-7 day vacation so you don’t feel rushed and exhausted. 

Sherry’s best packing tip:

  • If you drive, take a case of bottled water so you have water in the parks (if you don’t drive, you can get free cups of water at counter service restaurants). 
  • Pack several $1 rain ponchos for those frequent Florida showers and Kali River Rapids.

**Booking Bonus** Mention promotional code “WDW Hints” to Sherry and receive a FREE 1 year subscription to touringplans.com when you book a Disney World or Disneyland package for 2013 or 2014 (2014 packages will become available July 10). Book a 2013 or 2014 Disney Vacation package through Sherry, and she’ll throw in a Disney Gift Card!* Again, just mention “WDW Hints” and receive a gift card based on how much your package is worth:

  • $1,500 – $2,500 = $25 Gift Card
  • $2,500 – $3,500 – $50 Gift Card
  • $3,500+ = $75 Gift Card
*Canceling the trip forfeits your Gift Card bonus. Gift Card will be sent 1 week prior to travel. Gift Card promo applicable to WDW, DCL, ABD & Disneyland vacations.

Are you ready to enter for a chance to WIN this $50 Disney Gift Card? Enter through the Rafflecopter form below. This contest begins at 12:01 a.m. (eastern) Sunday, July 7th (2013) and ends at 11:59 p.m. Saturday, July 13th. Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terri is owner, creator and an author for WDW Hints. She enjoys taking less-traveled paths of WDW and sharing her lesser-known discoveries with you!