Are you familiar with the thrill of finding “Hidden Mickeys” at Disney World? If not, let me introduce you to a fantastic tool that will guide your hunt and enhance your Disney experience: Hidden Mickeys: A Field Guide to Walt Disney World’s Best Kept Secrets.
Before you begin, Barrett defines an official Hidden Mickey as “a partial or complete image of Mickey Mouse that has been hidden by Disney’s Imagineers and artists in the designs of Disney attractions, hotels, restaurants and other areas. These images are designed to blend into their surroundings.”
Similar to the previous editions, the 6th edition is divided into easy-to-use scavenger hunts, detailed clues and hints, a comprehensive index and a great chapter about Barrett’s Top Ten Hidden Mickeys. Each Hidden Mickey is assigned a point value so that you can get a little competitive too! This newest edition has been updated to include Hidden Mickeys from New Fantasyland and as new Hidden Mickeys are found the Hidden Mickey website gets updated.
As an avid “Hidden Mickey” hunter and collector of several of Steven Barrett’s field guides, I was looking forward to the 6th edition of this fantastic book. Mr. Barrett did not disappoint! Whether you are a first-time reader or have several copies in your pocket during each Disney vacation, the 6th edition includes comprehensive information that will add value and fun to your next trip.
Disclaimer: We received a free copy of “Hidden Mickeys: A Field Guide to Walt Disney World’s Best Kept Secrets.” Our reviews are not influenced by receiving a review copy, nor are we compensated any other way for reviewing books. We may provide affiliate links where books can be purchased, but do this of our own volition. Links used within this post are affiliate links. Affiliate links do not raise the price of the product for you, but do allow WDW Hints to receive a few cents per order which helps us continue bringing great hints to you!
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