'; eBook Review: Keys to the Kingdom by Roger Wilk - WDW Hints
Tuesday 26 November 2024
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eBook Review: Keys to the Kingdom by Roger Wilk

Roger Wilk has written several fun Disney-related books based on the Parks found at Walt Disney World. We’ve already covered his Christmas book – Disney Christmas Magic – next up is Keys to the Kingdom!

Keys to the Kingdom is just that – “keys” to help you make the most of your visit to the Magic Kingdom! Each land and attraction is listed within this book, and an explanation of the more notable attractions is given.  The ‘must see’ attractions are listed, and a general touring plan is suggested. Even Dining Guides are supplied to help you choose which restaurant will fit your taste and your budget.

This book is great for any Disney World “first timer” and fun for veterans too! The length of the book is just right – not too short, but not overly long either. And all of the photographs are in color! Certainly a fun read for any Disney-lover!

From time to time, this eBook (and others by Wilk) are offered FREE of charge! If you’re reading this review on June 11 or 12th (2013) head over to Amazon right now and download your free copy! Or feel free to purchase a hard copy at any time!

Disclaimer: We received a free copy of “Keys to the Kingdom: Your Complete Guide to Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom Theme Park” via a free promotion for downloads from Amazon to review. Our reviews are not influenced by receiving a review copy, nor are we compensated any other way for reviewing books. We may provide affiliate links where books can be purchased, but do this of our own volition. Links used within this post are affiliate links. Affiliate links do not raise the price of the product for you, but do allow WDW Hints to receive a few cents per order which helps us continue bringing great hints to you!

Terri is owner, creator and an author for WDW Hints. She enjoys taking less-traveled paths of WDW and sharing her lesser-known discoveries with you!