'; eBook Review: Disney Christmas Magic by Roger Wilk - WDW Hints
Tuesday 28 January 2025
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eBook Review: Disney Christmas Magic by Roger Wilk

Disney Christmas Magic: The Ultimate Insider’s Guide to Spending the Holidays at Walt Disney World

Although I have travelled to Disney over 25 times I have yet to experience WDW during Christmas! (Crazy, I know!) Visiting during Christmas is definitely a Bucket List item but I also know it’s not something to take lightly. Disney Christmas Magic: The Ultimate Insider’s Guide to Spending the Holidays at Walt Disney World is a great tool to have when you are planning a Christmas trip.

The guide answers questions about the holiday season like “How busy is it, really?” “Can the kids miss school for a Disney Trip?” “If I can’t see everything, what special events are not-to-miss?” In addition to answering the most pertinent holiday questions each chapter is broken down into details for each of the four parks. Wilk outlines the holiday highlights from each park and also adds in information about how touring Disney at Christmas is different than any other time of the year.

What makes this book especially entertaining is the history Wilk has included when writing about Christmas events. For instance, there is an entire chapter devoted to the Gingerbread Houses! Having never been during the Christmas Season I probably would have passed this experience by in my haste to attend the big name events. After seeing the stunning photos in this book and reading the details of how they are baked, decorated and displayed, those Gingerbread Houses will be getting a special spot on my Disney Itinerary!

If you’re looking for a detail oriented guide that is a pleasure to read Disney Christmas Magic is a great blend of information and entertainment and will be sure to please first-time and regular Disney Christmas travellers alike.

Disney Christmas Magic: The Ultimate Insider’s Guide to Spending the Holidays at Walt Disney World is available as an ebook through Amazon.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of Disney Christmas Magic:An Insider’s Guide to Spending the Holidays at Walt Disney World to review. My reviews are not influenced by receiving a review copy, nor am I compensated any other way for reviewing books. I may provide affiliate links where books can be purchased, but I do this of my own volition.

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