We recently fostered two kittens who were given the Disney-themed names of Winnie and Minnie – thanks to our facebook fans! The main goals of foster care for these two litter mates were socialization and weight gain; in which EatSmart provided us with an EatSmart PrecisionDigital Baby & Pet Check Weight Scale to watch them grow!

Winnie & Minnie!
Winnie & Minnie’s Foster Care Growth
Winnie and Minnie were brought into our local Humane Society as strays, so they were a bit timid of humans initially. Within a day, they realized humans were friendly (and we provide food!) so, the kittens warmed up to us pretty quickly. Our next goal, which takes a bit more time, was to make sure they were gaining weight!
At our local shelter, Columbus Humane, kittens need to be 2.25 lbs. (or 2 lbs. 4 oz.) before they can have their spay or neuter surgery. This is why foster care is so important; if kittens can be fostered at an off-site (non-shelter) location, they have a much better chance of staying healthy and gaining weight. And a healthy kitten has a much better chance of getting adopted!
Daily weight checks are so important during foster care; kittens should be gaining weight each day. If they aren’t gaining weight, or worse – losing weight – that’s an indicator that something is likely wrong. We have fostered over 30 animals for our local shelter and when an animal isn’t gaining weight – it usually means we have a parasite or an illness to treat. That’s right… foster care isn’t all cuteness and cuddles, we’ve seen our share of fleas, ear mites, tapeworms, hook worms, eye infections, upper respiratory infections, intestinal bacterial infections, campylobacter, clostridium, coccidia, and even patent ductus arteriosus. Most kittens come with one or two issues, but the majority of these problems are easily fixed and are typically never an issue in the future.
Minnie and Winnie joined us at the end of January with a starting weight of 1 lb. 13 oz and 1 lb. 14 oz.

Foster kitten starting weight = 1 lb. 13.5 oz.
For the first 5 days, Minnie & Winnie maintained their weight. This was likely due to the fact that they were treated for tapeworms, therefore their bodies were fighting off that parasite and they had a slight decrease of appetite due to being medicated.
As soon as they were over that 5-day “slump,” their weight gain came on in full force!

“Look at me – I’m gaining!” Up to 2 lbs. 1 oz.
It’s a bittersweet day when our foster kittens reach the desired 2 lbs. 4 oz. weight… it means they’ve reached their goal weight for surgery and the adoption floor – which is great! But it also means, we must say goodbye to our beloved houseguests. It’s time for their spay/neuter surgeries and to meet their “furever” parents.

Minnie made it to 2 lbs. 4 oz.!

Winnie was a beast and got up to 2 lbs. 5.5 oz.!
EatSmart Precision Scale Review
The EatSmart Precision Digital Baby and Pet Check Weight Scale was very accurate! I checked it against my small kitchen scale, and they always matched. What was great was that the scale would still give an accurate reading even if the kitten was walking across it or sitting off to one side of the scale (as you can see in a picture above, sometimes the kittens would put their front paws up on the ‘edge’ of the scale – still accurate!) I can see how this would be beneficial to a mother with a squirmy baby! We all know young animals and babies can’t “sit still!” I loved how the scale was roomy enough to hold the kittens – in fact, it’s roomy enough for an infant, toddler or small pet up to 44 lbs!

“I’m not Fat… I’m just Fluffy!”
In my case, I was using the scale to watch for weight gain. But many of you may have a pet that needs to shed some pounds – not just fur! Or you may have an infant whose weight needs tracked daily. I know of some nursing mothers who take their infants to the Dr. daily for weight checks – just think of the time and stress this in-home scale could save!
For those fostering animals, I’d definitely recommend the EatSmart Precision Digital Baby and Pet Check Weight Scale for weight gain and management. For those fostering newborn kittens or puppies that weigh less than 1 pound, I’d recommend the EatSmart Precision Digital Kitchen Scale which measures in ounces, grams, kilograms and pounds. Every age and stage of growth is important to measure!
Minnie & Winnie… ADOPTED!
Back to Minnie and Winnie’s story!! These siblings returned to the Humane Society on Monday, February 12th. They had their spay & neuter surgeries on Tuesday, the 13th. And they were both adopted on… Valentine’s Day! Success! (Want to follow more of our foster care journeys? Follow our Facebook page: Paid in Purrs!)
Disclaimer: I received the EatSmart Precision Digital Baby and Pet Check Weight Scale at no charge in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

How much does a pair of kittens weigh? Why… 4 lbs. 3 oz., of course!
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