'; Introducing the VIP Tour Book: Walt Disney World Resort - WDW Hints
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Introducing the VIP Tour Book: Walt Disney World Resort

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Books about Walt Disney World are great! They are often filled with helpful information, resort details, touring plans and tips. But one problem we all run into is that books usually contain a minimal amount of mis-information by the time they are published! It’s nobodies fault, it’s just that Walt Disney himself said that “Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.” This reiterates the fact that the theme parks are always changing; always growing; always improving.

A Different Kind of Guide Book

J.M. Sparks, Executive Editor of the VIP Tour Book Walt Disney World Resort, has taken Walt Disney’s approach and published a very thorough book covering every nook and cranny of the Walt Disney World Resort. What makes it different? It’s an electronic book. This allows her, and her team, to update it constantly whenever the Walt Disney World Resort decides to change!

The first edition of the VIP Tour Book was published October 1, 2016 (on the 45th Anniversary of Walt Disney World’s opening.) The next edition is set to be released this week – on August 15th!

Who is this Book best suited for?

Anyone and Everyone! This book is in full color, chock-full of great info, and any self-proclaimed Disney expert is still going to find new and useful information! It goes without saying that a Disney “newbie” will also benefit greatly from the information provided as well as the helpful park touring tips!

To order the book, simply visit: http://www.vipdisneytourbook.com/ We recommend waiting until Tuesday – when the latest and greatest version will be released!

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Terri is owner, creator and an author for WDW Hints. She enjoys taking less-traveled paths of WDW and sharing her lesser-known discoveries with you!