'; DVD Review: Elena and the Secret of Avalor - WDW Hints
Saturday 25 January 2025
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DVD Review: Elena and the Secret of Avalor


Disney Jr. Princess fans will be excited to learn that two of their favorite princesses appear in this DVD – Elena AND Sofia! Disney’s newest princess came to DVD, on February 7 (2017) with the release of Elena and the Secret of Avalor to tell the story of how Elena’s adventures in Avalor began!

Frozen in time and trapped inside the Amulet of Avalor for over forty years, Elena has finally found the one, brave princess who can set her free: Sofia of Enchancia! With help from magical flying Jaquins, spirit animal Zuzo, and young wizard-in-training Mateo, Princess Elena must unite her people and battle the evil sorceress Shuriki (voiced by the legendary Jane Fonda) to reclaim her throne.


This DVD contains 3 episodes – the featured episode being Elena and the Secret of Avalor which features both Elena and Sofia. Sofia convinces her family to vacation to Avalor with her secret intentions of freeing Elena who is trapped inside Sofia’s amulet. In true, Disney-like fashion, Sofia must outsmart the evil sorceress and free Princess Elena from the amulet. Freeing Princess Elena isn’t the only task achieved within this movie, Sofia, Elena, Mateo and friends must also rescue a few other characters!

This story contains imaginative elements, entertaining singing animals and a captive storyline. Humorous scenes are thrown in to entertain the children… (and adults!) The music is actually easy-on-the-ear for adults… especially the song, My Time.


Bonus Material

The other 2 episodes included on this DVD are Spellbound and Finders Leapers. The Bonus Material includes a My Time music video, as well as two additional episodes entitled PrinceToo Charming and Royal Retreat.

Disclaimer: We received a complimentary DVD copy of Disney’s Elena and the Secret of Avalor in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are our own. This post may contain affiliate links, which is of our own volition. Affiliate links do not raise the price of the products for the consumer, but do allow us to receive a small commission in order to keep this site running!

Terri is owner, creator and an author for WDW Hints. She enjoys taking less-traveled paths of WDW and sharing her lesser-known discoveries with you!