'; Book Review: The Complete Guide to FP+ and MDE - WDW Hints
Monday 27 January 2025
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Book Review: The Complete Guide to FP+ and MDE

I had the pleasure of reviewing The Complete Guide to FastPass+ and My Disney Experience: Tips & Strategies for a Magical Disney World Vacation by Roger Wilk and it’s very thorough! Normally, I don’t spend money on vacation books… but with the newness of FastPass+ (FP+) and the My Disney Experience (MDE) app, this book (particularly the e-version) is worth it for anyone trying to muddle their way through setting up their MDE account and selecting FastPasses.


The book clearly explains the MDE set-up and FP+ selection process, and breaks those areas down into easy-to-understand chapters. Roger wasn’t lying when he titled the book the “Complete Guide” – it seriously has everything you need to know when completing everything within the My Disney Experience app. There are pictures with step-by-step instructions, helpful tips and a clear explanation of what’s expected in order to get the fullest out of MDE.

The Complete Guide to FastPass+ and MyDisneyExperience is short enough to read in one sitting. It’s written in a straight-forward manner – no fluff, just getting down to business – which I like! Honestly, reading through this book will save you time (and possibly aggravation) in the planning process of your trip, as well as save you time while you’re on vacation at Walt Disney World!

My preference is the eBook – just since I can flip back and forth between the eBook and actual MDE app. But if you’re the type that likes to reference a physical book, there is also a paperback copy available.

Escape the confusion of not knowing where to begin once you have purchased park tickets to WDW. The Complete Guide to FastPass+ and MyDisneyExperience will truly be your lifesaver!


Disclaimer: We were provided with a free e-copy of this book for review purposes only. No other compensation was received. All opinions expressed are our own. Affiliate links have been provided, but of our own volition – they do not raise the price for you, the consumer.

Terri is owner, creator and an author for WDW Hints. She enjoys taking less-traveled paths of WDW and sharing her lesser-known discoveries with you!