'; An Interview with Steven Jeffries - Author and Parent of Twins - WDW Hints
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An Interview with Steven Jeffries – Author and Parent of Twins

Meet Steven Jeffries ~ a Canadian elementary teacher and writer of the book Twice Blessed: A Parent’s Guide to Twins, which includes an entire chapter dedicated to planning a trip to Disney World. His articles on both parenting twins and family travel, including specifically Disney World, have appeared in such publications as Twins Magazine, The Bulletwin, Real Family Travel Magazine, and City Parent Magazine. Below you’ll find our interview with Mr. Jeffries, as well as a few of his Disney favorites!

Photo courtesy of Lisa Jeffries

WDW Hints: What are the names and age of your twins?  
SJ: Joshua and Abigail – six year old twins.

WDW Hints: Do you have any other children? 
SJ: No

WDW Hints: The very first time that you were informed there were twins (2!) on the way, what was your reaction?
SJ: Excited and surprised.

WDW Hints: What inspired you to write a book? 
SJ: I wrote an article about planning for and taking my twins to Disney World which was published in both The Bulletwin (in Canada) and Twins Magazine (in the US). That led to more articles on issues involving parenting twins. Eventually, after a few articles, my wife Lisa (who does the photography for my articles) encouraged me to turn them into a complete book. I decided to do it on condition she contributed photographs for each chapter.

WDW Hints: How long did it take to write your book?
SJ: I started writing my articles in May of 2011 and wrote for nearly two years. It was published June, 2013 by Bookstand Publishing.

Photo courtesy of Lisa Jeffries
WDW Hints: How often do you visit Walt Disney World?
SJ: Not often, every few years.

WDW Hints: What areas of Disney do you feel you specialize in? 
SJ: Planning for your trip, and taking young twins or children. My blog has several posts about planning for a trip.

WDW Hints: Name your family Disney favorites:
SJ: Characters: Mine: Tigger and Mike Wasowski; Lisa-Winnie the Pooh; Joshua – Buzz Lightyear; Abigail – Rapunzel
Restaurants: California Grill for the parents; Chef Mickey’s for the kids.
Attractions: Buzz Lightyear ride; Haunted Mansion
Touring tip: Think carefully about whether you need a double stroller and if you decide you do, there are several options for you, because renting a double stroller at the parks is very expensive.
Hint you like to share with others: The Downtown Disney Resort hotels are a great option for families with frequent shuttles to all the parks.

Steven is the husband to the family and his book’s photographer, Lisa and the father of six year old twins.  Information on his book and his blog is available at www.twiceblessedguidetotwins.com and on his Facebook page.

Free eBook Offer!
If you’d like to download a FREE e-copy of Twice Bless Guide, visit Steven’s website now: http://www.twiceblessedguidetotwins.com and follow the directions on the homepage. Offer good through Friday, Feb. 7 (2014).

Special thanks to Steven Jeffries for taking the time share with us about his family, blog and book! Photographs were taken by Steven’s wife, Lisa Jeffries, and used with permission for this article.

Terri is owner, creator and an author for WDW Hints. She enjoys taking less-traveled paths of WDW and sharing her lesser-known discoveries with you!