'; The Five Senses at Walt Disney World - WDW Hints
Monday 27 January 2025
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The Five Senses at Walt Disney World

This past week I read a wonderful blog post entitled 5 Senses at Disney World about experiencing Disney World through the five senses, written by one of Chip & Co.’s amazing writers, Ashley.  (Ashley regularly writes for her own blog Disney: Done Right.) Ashley shared her favorite Disney experiences for the five senses.  It was a great article and immediately got me thinking about my favorite sense experiences at Disney.   I talked to Terri and we thought it would be fun to share our top choices!  So, here goes…
Amy’s picks:
Touch – For me, the best thing to touch at Walt Disney World (aside from a delicious sweet) is the spring-shooter on one of favorite attraction at Walt Disney World, Toy Story Mania at Hollywood Studios.  I can’t help cracking up as I zip through the attraction tying to pop balloons, shoot rings or break plates. It is pure fun and I’d ride it all day if there weren’t those endless lines!  
Sight – I think the best sight at Disney World is a “first.”  It’s the first time you walk under the train at the Magic Kingdom and see Main Street U.S.A.  It’s the first time you see the Tree of Life after walking through the Trees at Animal Kingdom.  It’s the first time you turn the corner in your boat and hear, “It’s a Small World” playing.  Every time I get to see a sight I have not seen since my last Disney trip is a perfect sight in a perfect place. 

Smell – It may be an obvious choice, but nothing beats the smell of the Confectionery on Main Street.  It’s cotton candy, popcorn, fudge, chocolate and candy all mixed together.  It smells amazing and all smells are calorie free!
Taste – There’s nothing like the crispy rice treats from the Confectionery on Main Street.  They are available covered in chocolate and topped with M&Ms or peanuts or sprinkles and they are delicious!  When I worked at Disney World in merchandise (the shops) on Main Street, we were often given these treats as we were closing down the shops at the end of the night.  Big yum!  Now, every time I’m at Disney World I have to get a crispy rice treat.  They taste great but also bring back such wonderful memories. 
Sound – “There’s a great big beautiful tomorrow.” This song, heard in each scene of the Carousel of Progress, makes me smile every time.  There is just something about being able to experience an attraction created by Walt Disney himself that makes me feel like I’m experiencing something “truly Disney”.  Plus, I can’t get enough of the 80s clothes in the “modern” day scene.  Has anyone else noticed that?

Terri’s Picks:

Well, it’s going to be hard to top Amy’s!  But I’ll share my picks anyway…

Touch – I love the feel of the ‘baby’ plush animals, such as Tigger.  So soft!  The World of Disney shop in Downtown Disney has plenty!  So does Hundred Acre Goods (gift shop following the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh attraction.)

Sight – The Opening Show at the Magic Kingdom!  It just builds great excitement to your day!  First the Mayor appears and gives his Welcome, then the Main Street dancers come out to sing, then the train comes chugging down the track carrying Mickey and all of his friends.  They all get out, Mickey Welcomes everyone and a countdown occurs concluding with fireworks, streamers and confetti!  It’s a sight sure to put a smile on anyone’s face – even Grumpy!

Smell – Soarin’ affects 4 of the senses – sight, sound, smell and touch (if you count the feeling the movements and wind).  The smells on this ride are my favorite! The orange mist as you fly over the orange groves, and the pine scent as you soar over the forests.  Hint: Be sure to ride this earlier in the day if you want to smell the different scents.  As the day goes on, the ‘smells’ tend to blend together.

Taste – Any sandwich with homemade chips from Olivia’s Cafe at Old Key West Resort.  You might say I’m crazy for suggesting a sandwich – the Turkey Club to be exact.  But I hadn’t eaten a sandwich in over 3 years due to being on a gluten-free diet for Celiac disease.  The sandwich (served on a gluten-free bun) was fabulous!  It tasted ‘normal’ – as many GF breads have a dry texture – this one did not!  And the homemade chips were excellent too!  Olivia’s Cafe was very accommodating, not crowded, and excellent food!

Sound – I can’t pick just one – so I’m going to cheat and share two.  First, the Walt Disney World Railroad train.  The “toot” always makes me happy realizing “I’m finally here!”  Second, the screams of the Splash Mountain riders that are taking the huge plunge!  It makes me laugh, and just builds my excitement even more to ride it.

Well, we’ve each shared with you our Five Favorite Senses at Walt Disney World.  Care to share yours with us? Feel free to comment below OR write your own blog post on your Five Favorite Senses, then come back here and leave us your link!

Amy is a Disney loving mom of two Disney loving boys. She loves planning for Disney trips, reading about Walt Disney World and most of all, going to World Disney World!