'; MouskeMemoriesCo: Magic Band Display Review - WDW Hints
Saturday 25 January 2025
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MouskeMemoriesCo: Magic Band Display Review

MousekeMemories Display

If you’re like me, you have a steadily growing collection of Magic Bands. I’ve been looking for a way to display my MagicBands for over 4 years. I’ve taken my Magic Bands to craft stores to find a vase that might work and looked all over Etsy for a display. Clearly I’m not creative, because this is the best I could come up with….

magic bands

Awful, right? Right.

Well, I’m happy to report that after 4 years I have found the most PERFECT Magic Band display ever created! MouskeMemoriesCo on Etsy is a new shop featuring Mickey Ear displays, Mouse Ear headband displays and, yes, Magic Band Displays. This 14″ by 17″ display is hand crafted from wood by the shop owners, Heather and Dan. You can choose from black or white for your finish and for an additional fee, they will add your name to the display.

Magic Band Display

(Here’s their official photo!)

Heather and Dan were kind enough to send me a Magic Band display for review and even added my name! (I’ve blurred that part out, but you’ll get the idea!)

Wood MagicBand Display

I chose the black display for my MagicBands and immediately got to work adding our bands to the display. The bands easily slide through the opening around the display. You can leave on any “Magic Bandits” or stickers and still enjoy them on your display. It was simple and easy to add the bands. The hardest part is choosing where to hang the display. It comes complete with a wire hook already attached to the back. For now, our display is hung in the kitchen but we it might end up next to my bed! (Take a look at mine at the top of this article.)

I can’t recommend MouskeMemoriesCo enough! Heather and Dan were delightful to work with and their products are so unique. Take a look at some of their Ear and headband displays. They are simply gorgeous. I truly feel like they could not have come up with a better product for displaying MagicBands and I’m honored to display one in the home.


save 10%DISCOUNT ALERT! Head over to MouskeMemoriesCo now and get 10% your purchases through Febraury 7, 2018 with the code WDWHINTS10. Did I mention how much I love these products? You won’t be disappointed!

I hope you love MouskeMemoriesCo as much as I do… I’m sure you will!

Happy shopping!


Disclaimer: We were provided with a complimentary MagicBand Display in exchange for an honest review.

Amy is a Disney loving mom of two Disney loving boys. She loves planning for Disney trips, reading about Walt Disney World and most of all, going to World Disney World!