'; Program Review: Dressing Your Truth - WDW Hints
Wednesday 29 January 2025
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Program Review: Dressing Your Truth

Disclaimer: While accepting projects that aren’t directly Disney-related is rare, I will occasionally join a non-Disney campaign for review purposes, the opportunity and to gain more blogging experience. Dressing Your Truth™is one of those projects. I was provided with a free online course and book via Entertainment New Media Network. All opinions expressed are my own.

What is Dressing Your Truth™?
Dressing Your Truth is a unique program built to help women (and men) discover their Type of beauty and to dress themselves – clothing, hairstyle, and make-up – according to who they really are. It is a multi-step process in order to discover who you are, learn your Type of beauty, and undergo a transformation or make-over in order to display your inner beauty on the outside.

The program begins by reading the book Discover Your Type of Beauty by Carol Tuttle. In the book there are 4 Types of beauty explained: Bright & Animated (TYPE 1SM), Soft & Subtle (TYPE 2SM), Rich & Dynamic (TYPE 3SM), and Bold & Striking (TYPE 4SM.) Carol does explain that we are made up of all 4 Types of beauty (or energy) and display characteristics from each, but there’s one Type we dominate in – and that’s our true beauty Type. Most people reading the book either figure out their beauty Type right away, or can narrow down their beauty Type to 2 choices, and then may have difficulty figuring out which one they truly are.

Not to worry though… after reading the book, there’s an online course that further explains, and shows, characteristics of each of the 4 Types of beauty. This helps you better understand each type, and hopefully allow you to figure out which Type you are most dominate in. Finally, you are asked to choose your Type and take the final course explaining what colors, types of clothing, hair color & cut, and make-up styles are best for you.

My Review
I’m skeptical of these kinds of profiling systems, in fact, I tend to think they’re stupid. But guess what? The Dressing Your Truth™program states that TYPE 4SM women generally think this way about a lot of things (I even leaded that Type 4 women will even use the word “stupid” a lot to describe things) – so technically, this program has my Type nailed!

When taking the final course about what clothes I should wear, how to fix my hair, etc., I did not like what I initially saw. My first impression was “these are Grandma clothes!” But really, they were showing examples of color and pattern to look for. Then, better pieces of clothing (in my opinion) were brought out and I felt more at ease and thought “okay, that’s something I could wear.” The make-up and hair tutorials were also helpful and basic enough that I felt I could replicate the same outcome.

I had to be persuaded throughout the course that this is something I should really try. And the program really does that! They explain why a specific color/pattern/structure looks good on one Type and not on another.

What’s Included?
The program costs $297, but includes a 3 hour online training course, book, life-long membership, 30+ hours of personal style content, gift card and much more! So, if you feel as though you’re in a rut with your appearance, people aren’t taking you seriously, you hate shopping because you don’t know what to look for… you’ll benefit from this program!

Not sure if you want to shell out $297? Take a look around on the Dressing Your Truth website, as well as the Carol Blog, and read the free info and play the videos. You’ll be able to pick up some tips from those, and hopefully figure out if this program would be beneficial to you or not.

You can also find Dressing Your Truth™on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Terri is owner, creator and an author for WDW Hints. She enjoys taking less-traveled paths of WDW and sharing her lesser-known discoveries with you!