'; The Key is Under the Mat - WDW Hints
Wednesday 27 November 2024
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The Key is Under the Mat

Guests visiting Disney’s Hollywood Studios know when they have reached the Miss Piggy fountain that the Muppet Vision 3-D show’s entrance is just beyond it. Most guests follow the crowds and wiggle their way into the pre-show holding area. Televisions entertain some guests while others take time to look at all of the Muppet memorabilia that is stored inside this makeshift Muppet storage warehouse. 

However, many guests walk right past the security room just to the right of the entrance turnstile. The guard has left a sign hanging on the door that reads, “Back in 5 minutes. Key is under mat.”

Is there really a key? Guests taking the time to walk around the turn style and lift up the mat will find out if the guard really left the key out for them or not.

Kristin Zarchan is a travel agent for Pixie Vacations. She is the mom to three wonderful children including a special needs son. She has traveled to either Disney World or Disneyland once a year for the past 20 years. She fell in love with Epcot when a friend’s family took her to Disney for the first time when she was 14. Her favorite ride both then and now is the Haunted Mansion. You can follow Kristin on twitter or facebook.

Terri is owner, creator and an author for WDW Hints. She enjoys taking less-traveled paths of WDW and sharing her lesser-known discoveries with you!