'; Book Review: Lots To Do In Line: Walt Disney World - WDW Hints
Monday 27 January 2025
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Book Review: Lots To Do In Line: Walt Disney World

This weekend I was lucky enough to review a brand new book, Lots To Do In Line: Walt Disney World written by Meredith Lyn Pierce. This isn’t just an ordinary Walt Disney World guidebook. It is a guide designed to help parents (and grown ups!) survive all of the lines at Walt Disney World. When I first saw the title of this book, I assumed this was a book written for parents of small children to offer advice for how to deal with cranky children. I was wrong! This book is filled with fun activities to bring Disney magic to kids and adults throughout their Disney vacation.

Lots To Do In Line is broken down by park and offers a variety of games to keep you entertained at most of the attractions at the park.

  1. Challenging Questions – As you walk through each line, you’ll be give multiple choice questions to answer about items that can be seen in the line. Questions are presented in the order you will see items in the park. (She even notes which things can be seen from FastPass lines.)
  2. Treasure Hunts – Treasure Hunts give you a list of items specific to each attraction to look for while waiting in line.
  3. Collections – Collections are great for any time at Disney World. Pierce suggests looking for items like crazy backpacks, waterfalls or clock towers. See how many you can find throughout the day or for a specific amount of time.
  4. Pop Quizzes – Pop quizzes direct you to look at a specific item (like a sign) before getting in line. While waiting in line you answer as many questions about that item as you can remember.

Pierce turns all of these questions and treasure hunts into a game by giving points for each item you find or each question they answer correctly. There is even a space in the book to keep track of points.

I was incredibly impressed with Lots To Do In Line: Walt Disney World and think it will be a great addition to any trip to Walt Disney World. Adults and children will enjoy the games and will see things that even the biggest Disney fan may not have noticed. I highly recommend it! For those Disneyland fans, there is also Lots To Do In Line: Disneyland.  

How do you keep entertained while waiting at Walt Disney World? I’ll be playing games the next time we visit Disney!


Disclaimer: We received a free review copy of Lots To Do In Line: Walt Disney World. Our reviews are not influenced by receiving a review copy, nor are we compensated any other way for reviewing books. We may provide affiliate links where books can be purchased, but do this of our own volition.

Amy is a Disney loving mom of two Disney loving boys. She loves planning for Disney trips, reading about Walt Disney World and most of all, going to World Disney World!