'; Beware the Disney Ache! - WDW Hints
Monday 27 January 2025
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Beware the Disney Ache!

I’d like to take a few moments to warn you all about a phenomenon that seems to affect people’s Disney vacations.  This phenomenon can hit at any time in the planning process, during your trip or after your return.  While a cure has not been found, I do have suggestions for how to deal with this issue.  This phenomenon is known as The Disney Ache!

Yes, the Disney Ache.  It can strike at any time!  Here are some of the most common instances:

The Disney Planning Ache

Timing:  This ache can hit as soon as you book your Walt Disney World vacation and you realize you still have 4, 6, 8 or 10 months until you arrive.

Symptoms:  Dreams of Disney…. Counting days on the calendar…. Reading Disney blogs….

Potential Remedy: For me, obsessing over details such as dining choices and daily schedules helps pass the time and ease the ache.

This site will cure any planning ache.

The Disney Walking Ache

Timing:  You’re going to be doing a tremendous amount of walking at Walt Disney World.  Or in some cases, say rope drop, running.  By the end of the first day, I find I’ve been hit by a serious Disney Walking Ache. 

Symptoms: Sore and tired legs and aching feet.

Potential Remedy:  The best way to avoid the Disney Walking Ache is to bring comfortable walking shoes and to get in the habit of walking before leaving home.  However, this doesn’t always help.  For me, the best remedy is to just deal with it.  I can deal with aching muscles while I’m at Walt Disney World.

Goofy found a way of dealing with his aching legs

The Disney Waiting Ache

Timing:  The Waiting Ache hits often at Walt Disney World.  There are a ton of people and there are bound to be lines that you have to wait in for buses, attractions, parades or meals.

Symptoms: Impatient children…Impatient Mommies and Daddies

Potential Remedy:  Disney does a great job helping to ease this ache with interactive waiting areas and pre-parade entertainment.  You can help children wait more patiently by bringing small toys or treats to entertain them as they wait.

Sometimes you just have to wait…

The Disney Shopping Ache

Timing:  This ache seems to hit me more disproportionally more than my husband for some reason.  It begins to affect me as soon as I see a shop at our resort and persists as late as seeing that Disney Store at the Orlando Airpor.

Symptoms:  An intense desire to walk into every shop on Walt Disney World property… Indecisiveness about what gifts to buy… A desire to buy everything…

Potential Remedy:  For me, I would give into the ache and go into every store.  However, this would bring on the ache for my children to shop.  That, combined with my shopping ache causes a different ache for my husband.  So, I actually come to Disney World with a list of people I want to shop for and a rough idea of what I would like to get them and spend.  This helps cut back the shopping ache some…

The Leaving Disney Ache

Timing:  For some, the ache of knowing you are leaving does not hit until the last morning of your trip.  For others, this ache may show itself early in the vacation.  For me, it starts two or three days before leaving. 

Symptoms:  Sadness…. Feeling like you need to see everything in the parks… The desire to grab onto a cast member and refuse let go….

Potential Remedy:  This is a tough one because unfortunately, every Disney vacation must end.  For me, the knowledge that I can plan another trip helps.  And, knowing that we get to go home and share photos from our vacation and pass out gifts to our family helps.

In Conclusion

You’re bound to be affected by at least one of the Disney aches while you’re at Walt Disney World.  For me, they are all small prices to pay for a fun and fantastic vacation.  Have you experienced any of these aches while you’re at Disney World?

Hoping you don’t ache too much!

Amy is a Disney loving mom of two Disney loving boys. She loves planning for Disney trips, reading about Walt Disney World and most of all, going to World Disney World!